Date(s) - 10/26/21 - 10/27/21
All Day
These are turbulent times impacting our nation. Our culture is clearly at an inflection point and changes are being demanded from every side. The pandemic has impacted traditional church structure and practices. Chaos in the streets. Bitter divide between citizens. The Supreme Court is legislating the meaning of “sex” in their recent decision. The economy is struggling to recover. Our nation is in crisis and we need prayer. But, we also need leaders who are prepared to use their influence for catalyzing kingdom agendas. Ministry leaders are faced with an unparalleled opportunity to be change agents. Most of us have more questions than we have clear answers. This is a critical and vital moment to gather as leaders to reflect, learn, listen, and prepare for God’s agenda. I’m convinced God has orchestrated that we have two of the most influential guests ministers who are seasoned with experience and wisdom. The collective exchange between each other will be aimed and learning and adopting best practices for church and ministry leaders. The 2020 Leadership Summit may possibly be the most poignant and generationally impactful gathering in our history. This Leadership Summit is aimed at pastors, church leaders, organizational leaders and anyone who senses God’s call to influence others for Christ. Come and bring a team of your leaders to hear, discuss and fellowship with others.
Leif Hetland – Global Missions Awareness (https://globalmissionawareness.com/)
Jason Upton (https://jasonupton.com/)
Pastor Bobby Hill (https://vanguardministries.org/)
Register today at https://www.vanguardconferences.com/
Riverbend Church