Two Membership Categories
Covenantal Members
This is for ministry leaders and is an individual membership. Those approved will be credentialed as either licensed or ordained ministers.
Partner Churches
This is for churches and their lead pastors who desire to walk together to accomplish the purposes of the network. This membership level will focus on an apostolic relationship with the pastor supported by regular communication, care and advice. This membership includes in-depth resourcing to assist church health and growth.
Membership Process for Covenantal Members
Interview and Recommendation
- Complete the online application.
- Consideration of your initial application includes an accompanying follow-up process:
- If you are applying for ordination with Vanguard Ministries, the Vanguard Accreditation Council will appoint an Ad Hoc Credentials Committee to schedule an interview with you (either in person or via telephone).
- The committee will notify you in writing of their recommendation concerning your application for membership.
- Approved ordination candidates will be scheduled for the annual ordination ceremony at the annual leadership conference.
- All candidates who are recommended for membership will indicate their acceptance of the recommendation by payment of the annual dues:
- Vanguard Covenant Member – $46.17 per month or $500.00 per year. Dues are payable by check, Visa or MasterCard.
- Confirmed applicants will receive a dated membership card and certificate, confirming them as members in Vanguard Ministries and thus mutually accountable through the annual review and reporting process.
Confirmation and Celebration
Each newly accepted members are encouraged to participate in the Annual Leadership Summit, where an Credentialing Ceremony will be held. The Lead Team will lay hands on the candidates thus acknowledging God’s call and commissioning. A prophetic presbytery will affirm, validate, and impart to the new members.
To Apply Now
Membership Process for Partner Churches
The focused activity of our partner church network will be twofold:
To provide our pastors soul care, support, encouragement and training through personal and group relationships. These churches truly enter into a “partnership” relationship with Vanguard Ministries, agreeing to walk together through adversity and abundance. Pastors and spouses will be offered regular care and nurture from a seasoned and proven apostolic leader (initially Dr. Hill will serve as the primary source of apostolic oversight). Mentoring will be provided to the pastor and expert consulting available to benefit the local church to encourage health and growth. Member churches receive apostolic oversight, strategic resources, and the strength of a family of like-minded leaders. We recognize that pastors (and their spouses) need care, support and a safety net of accountability. As issues arise within the church wisdom and counsel from seasoned ministers will be available. We will provide a safe and strategic wellspring of wisdom, encouragement, and accountability for churches and their pastors.
To catalyze, resource and establish strategic and reproducing churches regionally, nationally and internationally. This will be accomplished through emphasizing and delivering intentional development of emerging and existing leaders. Potential church planters will be identified, assessed, trained and deployed to impact areas of need. A priority will be given to church planters with a missional focus and targeting unreached communities and people groups.
“…built on the foundation of apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus Himself as the chief cornerstone.”
Ephesians 2:20
To apply for Partner Church affiliation with Vanguard, please download and complete the application.
Responsibilities of Partner Churches and VM Apostolic Overseers
Financial and Participation
- Partner churches will contribute 2.5% of their monthly general tithes/offerings (excluding any designated giving). These funds will support any essential administrative expenses and resource the new “reproduction” focus of VM with a minimum of 75% of all funds are dedicated to our church reproduction war chest.
- Partner churches will also contribute $300 monthly as Overseer Support. These funds will be allocated to support the caregiving and resourcing provided by the apostolic overseer.
- Each Partner Church Senior Pastor will be provided ordination credentials.
- Annual Summit/Conference registration fees for the partner church pastor and spouse will be waived for all member churches in good standing.
- Bi-annual visits to minister at a weekend service are encouraged and will be prioritized by the apostolic overseer and the partner church pastor. There will be a minimum of one on-site visit annually. These visits should provide visibility to the entire congregation, an opportunity for clear vision reinforcement and a fresh sense of connection to VM. A love-offering or honorarium for these visits is not required but recommended. Any travel expenses will be covered by VM.
- Additionally, the apostolic overseer will meet with the leadership team/staff on an annual basis and provide support, equipping, encouragement, consultation, etc. as jointly determined by the pastor and overseer.
- Support, advice, counsel, and consultation from the apostolic overseer is
available to each partner church pastor. Pastors are responsible to initiate contact for special needs for consultation and counsel. The apostolic overseer and partner church pastors will walk in a mutually-supported covenantal relationship and accountability. - Additional resources, assessments, instruments, specialized tools will be available on an a la carte basis through Hill Consulting Group, LLC.
Membership Process
- Prospective Partner Churches must complete an online application. The purpose of this application is to provide VM and the apostolic leader all the necessary information about the church’s history, leadership, structure, programs, mission/vision, finances, constitutional issues, etc. (The information provided will be considered confidential and will not be made public without permission.)
- A date for confirmation of the partner church status should be agreed upon by the pastor and the apostolic leader. The confirmation date should be established from 3 to 12 months from the initial agreement (longer engagement periods are discouraged but may be allowed in special cases).
- All rights and responsibilities belong to the partner church after the confirmation date.
- The key aspect of this process for partner churches is relational –building a relationship with the leadership of VM is foundational for mutual trust and cooperation. The amount of time for an engagement period is determined on a case-by-case basis.